Portrait and landscape

Between jobs Oscar found time to work on some personal work. This powerful portrait from a National Park Ranger in a gorgeous landscape was shot in The Netherlands. The landscape shows one of the islands in the Dutch Wadden Sea Conservation Area, part of the unique wetlands 'The Wadden Sea' that is located in The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.

Oscar van de Beek Fotografie

Tromplaan 42 | 3742 AD | Baarn | The Netherlands

+ 31 35 628 08 56

+ 31 655 82 60 35

oscar@oscarvandebeek.com | www.oscarvandebeek.com

BTW ID: NL001975220B89

© Oscar van de Beek Fotografie | All images shown on this website are under copyright of Oscar van de Beek Fotografie. No reproduction of any kind without permission.