K+S AG Annual Report 2012

I am proud to show you the results from our efforts of the last six months. Over 40 images were produced for the german salt and potassium mining company K+S AG. Months of travelling around the globe, we've experienced tropical climate and freezing winter conditions, we've shot indoor and outdoor, and worked with lots of friendly and helpful people. A big thank you to all who participated in this great project. The results can be seen in the people and landscape sections.

Oscar van de Beek Fotografie

Tromplaan 42 | 3742 AD | Baarn | The Netherlands

+ 31 35 628 08 56

+ 31 655 82 60 35

oscar@oscarvandebeek.com | www.oscarvandebeek.com

BTW ID: NL001975220B89

© Oscar van de Beek Fotografie | All images shown on this website are under copyright of Oscar van de Beek Fotografie. No reproduction of any kind without permission.